Relooking of the trust
For the plant show the 6th December, Montserrat National Trust have been relooked. Here will be some pictures but better come to visit us…
For the plant show the 6th December, Montserrat National Trust have been relooked. Here will be some pictures but better come to visit us…
Since the volcano eruption that destroyed everything in the old capital of Montserrat (Plymouth), Montserrat National Trust had to rebuilt all it had. A new gift shop is part of the rebuilding. The team of Montserrat National Trust is pleased to announce the gift shop opened its doors to guests from… Here an overview of …
The Montserrat National Trust reorganised the museum at little bay and focus the exhibition on Colonnisation, Salvation and Emancipation. The exhibition is available from 21st of july. Have a quick look on it, and come to see the entirely history of the island. Invalid Displayed Gallery