MNT Workshop To Prepare People for the 2014 Flower Show.

The Orchid Society of Trinidad and Tobago’s representative, Tony Tangkai has been invited by the Montserrat National Trust to help in conducting a workshop on September 13th,  at the MNT Head Offices.

This will cultivate a lot of interest as it has been put together to prepare fall those who intend to take part in the now very popular Flower Show which will be held between December 4th and December 7th of this year.

Some of the topics of discussion during the workshop will include Horticulture, Floriculture, Judging and Presentations of Flower Designs.

Tony Tangkai who is not new to Montserrat, as him and his team gave us full support during the  preparations and judging of the Flower Show 2013, has expressed that he looks forward to imparting information that will in turn help Montserrat flower lovers during this year’s Flower Show. He will also share his experiences with Flower Shows, having traveled the world for ever bigger Flower events.

The Trust will conduct the Workshop as follows on September 13, 2014;

 9:00 am                     Meeting with the Botanical Garden and Flower Show Committee to discuss Theme and Classifications
10:00 am  -12 noon  Presenting  Exhibits and Judging Procedure
1:00 pm -4:30 pm      Propagating and Caring for Exotics
4:30 -5:30                  Questions and possible field trip.
Please call the Trust Office 491 3086 to register interest in attending

2014 MNT Flower Show Preparations Already In The Works.

Dates have officially been set for this year’s Flower Show and Tea Party after much success in the inaugural one last year. This year’s event will take place between the 4th of December and 7th December. It promises to be an even bigger event  as all those participants who failed to register on time last year

Red Heliconia
Red Heliconia

will be hoping to join the race this year.

The Flower Show also inspired many locals to take their gardening more seriously so as to come out tops in the competition that also romped in two experts in orchids from the Trinidad Orchid Society who had a few seminars on orchids during their stay on the Island. The Society has taken part in International Flower Shows worldwide.

Information on how to register will be available soon. For updates you can visit our Facebook page, Montserrat National Trust.