Montserrat National Trust Souvenir Gifts.

Montserrat National Trust Souvenir Gifts. Since the start of the year, the Trust has had a variety of fresh new items in both our gift shops which has made every visit worthwhile. Besides the serene atmosphere our Botanical Gardens offer, one gets to pick up priceless gifts to carry home, items that are crafted by…

Mountain Chicken Exhibition Officially Opens.

Mountain Chicken Exhibition Officially Opens- It was a hectic Friday afternoon last week when the Department of Environment in partnership with the Montserrat National Trust opened doors to the public for the Mountain Chicken Exhibition. Honorable Minister of Agriculture,Land, Housing and Environment was the Guest Speaker, this was also the official send-off of the frogs…

National Symbols Exhibition.

        To get a more informative perspective  of the Exhibition that opened to the public yesterday , visit the Montserrat National Trust to learn more about the island and other influences on Montserrat .